Central Mongolia

Central Mongolia
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13th century national park

"13th Century National Park" is located in Erdene soum, Yol Mountain 96km from Ulaanbaatar.
The goal of the "13th century" national park is built and establish a real-time micro kingdom to make the lively feeling for its guests during their stay by genuinely providing a true environment of the way of living and working of the 13th century.
Visitors can enjoy annual celebration and customs such as:
- making felt cover for Gers,
- sling wool,
- a sacred ceremony to praise flag,
- heaven by sacrificing,
- wedding,
- weeping camel,
- mare milking,
- sealing folks and
- organizing three games of men.
Guests can:
- dine with Khans and Queens
- visit the residents of lords and
- learn to write in Mongolian scripts and
- play in horse-headed fiddle /Morin khuur/.
If you are keen to explore Mongolian ancient history and nomadic lifestyle, existing for centuries, we advise you to go on this trip. Click here for more information.

Must See Attractions
@Central Mongolia