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Choijin Lama monastery

The Choijin Lama Temple, built in 1904-1908 is a classic example of the traditional Buddhist architecture.
This was the home of Luvsan Haidav Choijin Lama, brother of Bogd Khaan and a prominent lama. The museum is famous for its collection of Buddhist artworks, original silk icons, and tsam dancing masks.
VIII Bogd Jazzundamba Khutagt Choijin Lama, a Chinggikh lama monastery built by 1904-1908 in the design and management of the Imperial Palace architect, and over 300 best craftsmen in Mongolia. In total, 88779 lan or 1821.2 kg of net money was spent on the construction of this church.
Luvsansmddava was born in Tibet in 1872 and came to Mongolia in 1876. In 1905, he named the Church of the Emperor of Manchu to give a name to his temple. He called the "Temple of forgiveness."
One of the features of the Church is the depiction of the enemy head, lungs, and heart of the enemy. This is the idea of the mascot of the religious enemies of the religion.
Since 1938, the Choijin monastery has closed its activities in 1938 and has been open to the public since 1942, as a religious museum, special guests and foreign delegates.
Today, the Choijin Lama Temple is comprised of the Jambai Gate, the Mahrahar Temple, the Gate of Khuderati, the main temple, the Zanhang Temple, the Zuu Temple, the Yadam Temple, the mosque, and the temple.
Conservation rating
It was first adopted by the Resolution No. 524 of the MPRP of 1961, and lastly by Government resolution number 175 of 2008 was also registered under state protection.
Sukhbaatar district 1st khoroo, O.Jamyan is located in the southern part of the Gun Street, north of Genden Street. 350 meters south of central Ulaanbaatar.
N47 54 54.2, E106 55 5.9
The church dedicated to the birth of Lvsan-mddav's late son, Mongolia
reference: ubmuseum.mn

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